Bible writing challenge
Bible writing challenge

bible writing challenge

This is a four chapter book, and about the daily reading length for the summer. Our pace is fast, but not nearly as fast as you might think. Time yourself reading (just normal reading!) 2 Timothy.

bible writing challenge bible writing challenge

You will be back! Because our goal is lifelong reading of the Word, you will have many more opportunities to understand that passage more. Don’t let your perfect ideal be the enemy of a good habit. You can’t possibly get everything out of it – but don’t worry.We are not teaching Scripture to one another, but rather sharing a love of Scripture with each other.


We are free to simply encourage one another without worry.

  • Theologically diverse, literally on the same page. Because our focus is so Word-centric, we can trust our differences to the Holy Spirit.
  • The plan includes catch-up days because we understand real life! Eat with us now! Always start with today’s reading.
  • If you fall behind, jump back in! If you missed breakfast and lunch, you don’t have to eat them before you can eat dinner.
  • I pray that we are able to keep our hands open to receive all that God has for us, trusting and knowing that in Him we will have all that we need and more! Lord, help us to remember that your abundance is limitless and that in you, we have all that we need and more. I pray that we are reminded over and over and over again that in Him we have enough. I pray that we are able to clearly see all of the ways in which He favors us, He provides for us, and He helps us. My prayer is that this month we are able to focus on these verses about the abundance of God and be reminded daily that He is a God of abundance. He provides all of these things so that we may be perfectly satisfied in Him. He provides abundance of not just physical things but also for grace when we sin, for hope when we are hopeless, for peace when we are anxious. He knows exactly what we need and always gives us more than enough. He is all powerful, He is unlimited and He can (and will) provide for all of us. Those who were obedient had no shortage of manna, but those who were greedy, had nothing left over. On the 6th day when they brought in what they gathered, He promised them that it would be enough for that only that day but also for the following day, the Sabbath. He told Moses to tell the people to only gather what they needed each day because He would provide.

    bible writing challenge

  • Exodus 16: God provided manna from heaven for the grumbling, complaining, hungry Israelites each and every day.
  • He didn't just provide enough food to feed everyone, He provided more than was needed- He provided abundance!


  • Matthew 15: Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes and afterwards there were seven baskets full of leftovers.
  • His miracle filled those jars not with just a sip or two of wine, but all the way up to the tippy top. He didn't just provide wine for the wedding feast, He provided an abundance of it.
  • John 2: At the wedding at Cana, Jesus had the servants fill the jars to the brim.
  • Here are just a few examples of times He didn't just provide, He provided in abundance: During His time on earth, He showed us time and time again that His love is a love of true abundance. God promises abundance for us and talks about it over and over again in His word. They attempt to control and to hoard and have all the things- forgetting that God is a God of abundance and that HE can and will not just provide, but provide abundantly for His children. People are grasping and climbing and hoarding and reaching, constantly striving frantically for MORE. It seems like everyone is rushing around frantically all of the time trying to earn more money, to purchase a bigger house, to get more material things to fill that house, to make more friends, to get more social media followers, to have MORE of literally everything. I feel like we currently live in a world where people always want more, more, and MORE.

    Bible writing challenge